Technical diving equipment requirements
Blue Label Technical Diving equipment requirements. Tech diving involves diving beyond the normal limits of recreational scuba diving. Participating in tech diving requires extra experience, training and equipment. In recreational diving you use one scuba tank but tech divers typically wear 2 cylinders for sidemount, twin cylinders (2 cylinders attached via CAM bands and a manifold) , plus one or more on the side, each with different gas blends. They usually have two or more completely independent regulators and dive computers, as well as other backups to regular dive gear.
Technical Diving is a specific and meticulous sport and needs to be taken very seriously. Down from the training to owning your own technical diving equipment. You need to know exactly how your equipment works and where everything is. In extreme diving conditions , like dropping to 60+ meters with no viz, you do not have time to try to locate your inflator of your LP hose.